Broccoli Seed Extract
Unlock the power of patented broccoli seed extract, a concentrated source of Glucoraphanin, which boosts glutathione, fights oxidative stress, and supports brain health, all backed by scientific research.
Broccoli Seeds contain one of the highest levels of Sulforaphane Glucosinolate aka Glucoraphanin. A phytonutrient and super antioxidant, our body converts Glucoraphanin into Sulforaphane which is critical for the synthesis of cysteine and methionine which are needed to produce your master antioxidant Glutathione as well as activate the NRF2 pathway. The NRF2 pathway regulate things such as:
- Glutathione - for balance and detox
- Haemoxygenase-1 - redox regulating, oxidative stress protector, anti-inflammatory and immune-modulator
- Quinone reductase - for redox-regulating, detox and p53 tumour protector
- Metallothionein - heavy metal cleaner
- Peroxisome proliferator - activated receptor for glucose and skeletal metabolism and regulator of adipogenesis
Due to the unstable nature of Sulforaphane, the broccoli seed extract that we use is a patented form of Glucoraphanin extracted from broccoli seeds using hot water process and manufactured in Baltimore.
Broccoli seed extract provides a concentrated source of Glucoraphanin and it’s used was identified by leading scientist from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine to increase the glutathione levels in the blood and human brain and reduces oxidative stress and maintain normal and healthy cellular functions, mitochondrial function.
Studies have shown that broccoli seed extract is also a natural inducer of Phase 2 enzymes that helps the body detoxify carcinogens. NRF2 is the main regulator or redox balance in cellular detox responses. Taking broccoli seed extract protects against neurological disorders by regulating the NRF2 pathways to obtain anti-aging protection against oxidative stress in your brain, preventing neurodegenerative disease.
100-200 times more concentrated than a broccoli, our broccoli seed extract is sourced from USA and is the same product the is used in the scientific studies and clinical research trials that discovered the various benefits of Sulforaphane.